She's gaining a lot of weight, but I think most of it is in her cheeks.
In other news, Jonas found a beetle by the garden up the alley. He brought it home and it ate some spinach. It got cuddled a lot. Then we let it go in the yard.
We also went to the beach on a balmy December day.
I apologize for invading your blog. I have connected with you through a thread on from 2002. I am looking for...I don't know exactly. It's just that raising my son is unspeakably difficult. Your comments are so similar to what I am feeling. You have obviously survived and I suppose I am wondering how?
Thank you so much for your time.
Rachel Adams
Palm Desert, CA
Hi Rachel, if you give me access to your profile or email, I can send you a message privately. Blythe
Thank you.
Hi old friend.
Send me a line with your email address.
Find me at myname at myname myfavdance dottness net
mother of Raven
I love the pictures of the kids! I am inspired by your blog and hope that someday I can start one as well. Hurry up and post new pictures - these are already old!
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