Sunday, May 25, 2008

last couple of weeks in Taiwan

Sadie blowing raspberries:

Sadie, 7 months, blowing raspberries

My family took me on a hike for Mother's Day. Jonas found a friendly walking stick:

Mother's Day Hike 2008

Big mossy stone walls make me happy.

Mother's Day Hike 2008

So do Banyan tree roots taking over walls:

Mother's Day Hike 2008

It was really pretty.

Mother's Day Hike 2008

Even the chemically altered PVC pipes had a certain beauty:

Mother's Day Hike 2008

Large boulders demand that you jump across them:

Mother's Day Hike 2008

Cute babies demand that you say, "ah boo!":

Mother's Day Hike 2008

Lots more photos at my Flickr page, click on the photos above to get there.

I will have to post another time about our upcoming move (next week). I'm still a little stunned and can barely think of all the things about Taiwan that I will miss - the singing garbage trucks, the bad english signs, all the friendly people.... I think it will take some time to process. But we will soon see most of you stateside!

Oh, and here is some video of Jonas playing with M and Luo Szi Shiang. I love it. They are doing what 6 year olds everywhere do: negotiating the rules of the game. You'll also get a glimpse of our gardener, because god forbid we actually do our own gardening of our 1/10 acre yard. There's another, shorter video at my dropshots page (right here)

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